Planning, Design and Construction
The PDC Playbook

The PDC Playbook serves as a standardized procedural handbook for Planning, Design and Construction staff on the project life cycle from conception to completion. It clearly identifies the roles and responsibilities of team members and describes the tasks, deliverables, and approvals that are expected for each of the project phases. Its guidance fosters consistency in project delivery and ensures compliance with University policies and procedures and regulations set by the Office of the State Engineers. Additionally, its purpose is to serve as an educational tool for Clemson University customer groups and stakeholders.

The Project Life Cycle

Diagram showing the Project Life Cycle

Space & Project Request - intake requests are reviewed and approved.

Scope/Feasibility Study - projects needing professional architectural, or engineering services undergo a study to establish the project scope, concept design, and conceptual cost estimate.

Design - project plans are developed, reviewed, and approved.

Permits - application and review of appropriate building codes and standards for official authorization to begin construction.

Construction - active construction through substantial completion. This includes commissioning and obtaining occupancy approvals.

Closeout & Turnover of Work - this includes final completion and inspections, warranty periods, and training maintenance operations and customers on necessary equipment as the project is turned over.

Continuous Improvement

The University Facilities vision is to continuously improve to become Clemson's Premier Service Team and work environment. PDC strives for excellence and efficiency in outstanding project delivery to our customers. Through collaboration with staff and project stakeholders, we will utilize the PDC Improvement Request to consider input for future enhancements to this Playbook.