Green Tiger One

Green Tiger One

Frequently Asked Questions

Duct sealing performed by Aeroseal is included in the scope of the Green Tiger 1 project. Could you elaborate on its purpose and installation process?

Duct sealing with Aeroseal is a cutting-edge technology that increases the energy efficiency of HVAC systems by sealing leaks in the ductwork. Though slightly invasive, the process reseals sections of ductwork internally to eliminate leaks. A fine mist of sealant is injected into the ducts through small penetration within the ductwork. The HVAC system circulates the sealant which adheres to duct surfaces. Over time, the sealant builds up to form a permanent bond that plugs leaks and reduces air loss.

How does switching to LEDs reduce the University's Carbon Footprint?

LEDs typically use less power for a given application than traditional halogen and fluorescent sources. As such, the overall kW/hr consumption per year is less, and this helps reduce the overall CO2 emissions.

How does Piping System Re-insulation reduce the University's Carbon Footprint?

Some energy in the University's steam distribution system is wasted through radiant thermal energy loss due to uninsulated and deteriorating steam and condensate piping sections. Reinsulating these piping sections will minimize thermal energy loss and maximize energy efficiency.


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Why are the Exhaust systems in some buildings being converted from Constant Air Volume to Variable Air Volume?

Operating a science building effectively requires proper ventilation and large amounts of outside air for lab areas. The fume hood system allows faculty and students to conduct experiments by exhausting fumes, vapors, and dust. Fume hoods are historically significant energy users because when left open, conditioned air flows out of buildings. The updated systems installed, and retrofitted Fume Hoods will reduce energy consumption and provide future cost savings by minimizing the loss of conditioned air without compromising the safety.

What is the general procedure that will be followed to perform LED retrofit?

The step-by-step process can be viewed in detail within this PDF document.