Water Resources

Water Resources

Water Main Flushing

From time-to-time you may see the Fire Department or Utility Services crews testing and flushing fire hydrants around campus. Although it may appear to be a waste of water, this is necessary for the proper operation and maintenance of the University's water system. Testing the fire hydrants ensures that the proper flow and pressures are available in the event of a fire and periodically flushing the lines will ensure that water in the distribution piping does not become stagnant and maintains adequate levels of disinfectant in the water system.

Note when the water distribution system is flushed or fire hydrants are operated, the change in flow patterns and velocity in the distribution piping may cause some discoloration of the water. This is normal and nothing to be concerned about. Water mains will continue to be properly disinfected throughout this process. Should your water become discolored, turn on your faucet to clear the water line for a few minutes to allow the water to clear up. If water does not clear up after a few minutes of running, please call the Facilities Support Center at (864) 656-5450 to report the condition. Note that our operators will work to keep the water as clear as possible throughout this process to minimize impact to our customers. Thank you for your patience as we work to maintain the water system. Below are some safety tips to observe while maneuvering around flushing activities:

  • If driving in an area where flushing activities are occurring, slow down as large amounts of water may be present in the roadway.
  • If traffic control is required, follow the direction of Utility Services crews directing traffic through the work zone.