Maintenance Services

Maintenance Services

Facilities Maintenance

Facilities Maintenance provides support for all buildings on campus with exception to residence and dining halls (for more information, see Residential Maintenance).

Area Maintenance and Minor Renovations

When it comes to providing maintenance services, our overall goal is to improve the quality of service through increased responsiveness. The types of jobs performed by our people are primarily preventive maintenance, repairs and general construction. They are the direct link between the customer and University Facilities for most repairs.

Area Maintenance, Repairs and Renovations

Maintenance requests are distributed between three service areas: Central, Perimeter, and the Construction Shop. Central Area is responsible for issues that crop up in the heart of campus, while Perimeter is equipped to support customers along and beyond the campus perimeter. The Construction Shop handles Life Safety preventive maintenance, repairs and small renovations throughout campus. To see where a particular building falls within these two areas, please see our Area Coverage map.

Building Security

Our Locksmith Shop is responsible for ensuring building security for all non-housing related facilities and works closely with Clemson University Building Security Coordinators.

If you have a questions or comments for Facilities Maintenance, please see our contact information.

Photograph of Michael Smith
Michael Smith
Photograph of Tammi Burdette
Tammi Burdette
Administrative Assistant