Support Services

Support Services

Standards & Procedures

All University Facilities Procedures, Guidelines, and Standards can be found on this page. Documents are arranged in the order they appear when printed as a single publication.

If have any questions about this content, please contact our Director of Lean Processes.

01 - Mission Vision and Values

A. Welcome

  1. Welcome to University Facilities

B. Safety

  1. Safety Statement
  2. Equipment Training
  3. Personal Protective Equipment
  4. Ladder Safety
  5. Fall Protection
  6. Lockout Tagout
  7. Hot Work
  8. Office Safety
  9. Compressed Gas Safety
  10. Confined Space
  11. Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan
  12. Hearing Conversation
  13. Safety Growl
  14. Space 3S's
  15. OSHA Recording and Reporting
  16. Transportation of Hazmat
  17. Forklift and Industrial Trucks

C. Customer Service

  1. Quality Assurance
  2. Planned Outages
  3. Special Events
  4. Emergency Repairs

02 - Employees

A. Diversity & Inclusion

  1. Hiring Procedure
  2. Non-Discrimination
  3. Anti-Harassment
  4. Amorous Relationships

B. Employee Relations

  1. Uniforms
  2. Sick Leave
  3. Annual Leave
  4. Funeral Leave
  5. Hazardous Weather
  6. Computer Acceptance
  7. Email Communication
  8. Electronic Device Use
  9. Drugs & Alcohol
  10. Tobacco Free Campus
  11. Student Specific Information
  12. On-Call Callback
  13. Awards & Recognition
  14. Leadership Positions Career Progression

03 - Facilities

A. Sustainability

  1. Sustainable Action Plan
  2. Sustainable Energy
  3. Storm Water
  4. Urban Forest
  5. C&D Landfill

B. Building Stewardship

  1. Building Maintenance Services
  2. Establishing a Departmental Work Request or Project
  3. Permanent Improvement Procedure
  4. Alterations or Improvements to University Facilities
  5. On Campus Planning Fund
  6. Percent for Art
  7. MR&R
  8. Building Inspection
  9. Sign Policy
  10. Wet Lab Standard
  11. Access

C. Equipment Stewardship

  1. Fleet Management
  2. Tool Room
  3. Travel - Vehicle Use

D. Purchasing

  1. Purchase Authorization
  2. Negotiation Large Professional Services
  3. IT Procurement
  4. Surplus Property
  5. Training Conference & Travel Expenses
  6. Training Conference & Travel Request
  7. Training Conference & Travel Guidelines

04 - State & Federal Compliance

  1. Asbestos
  2. Lead Exposure
  3. Hazardous Waste
  4. Hazard Communication
  5. I.A.Q.
  6. Silica