Feasibility studies serve as the first step in the design process allowing the University to identify the constraints, opportunities, and risk factors associated with a proposed project. Scope Studies are used to analyze the viability of a proposed construction or renovation project estimated at $1M or less. These studies are also integrated with the Long-range Framework Plan and aligned with campus needs.
Our Space Planning Advisory Committee (SPACe) determines whether a full Feasibility Study or Scope Study is appropriate for a project.
Planning Design & Construction provides a Feasibility Study Template which helps define the scope definition, program development, conceptual design, and conceptual cost estimates for a proposed project. Less intensive than a full Feasibility Study, the Scope Study Template provides focus for minor projects, can inform project prioritization, and identify reasons to proceed or not proceed. These templates should be referenced by architects and engineers when developing the scope of services for a study proposal. It also serves as a checklist of items that A/Es should address during the creation of a study and prior to the delivery of a final report to Clemson University.
Questions about the study Templates or Clemson's approach to studies can be sent to Director of Planning & Design, Pete Knudsen. Pete can be reached by phone at (864) 643-6070.