Design & Construction

Design & Construction

Standards for Commission Architects and Engineers

To assist the design teams, we provide a set of instructions and standards entitled Standards for Commission Architects and Engineers.The purpose is to ensure a level of consistency for our quality of standards for future maintenance and repairs among the various facilities and systems at Clemson University. The contents are intended for use by consulting engineers, architects, and other campus entities involved in new construction and renovation projects.

The document is maintained by our Code Compliance Officer, Channon Chambers. If you have a question about its contents, feel free to contact Channon at (864) 643-6216.

Photograph of Channon Chambers
Channon Chambers
Code Compliance Officer

Deviating from Our Standards

Deviations from these standards MUST be brought to the attention of the Project Manager using our Deviation Request Form.

These standards do not relieve a designer of any professional responsibility as their design relates to the applicable building codes and requirements. Also, they are not intended to serve as technical specifications for any product or division.

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