University Facilities GIS

Geographic Information Systems

Welcome to Facilities GIS

Our team provides GIS services to various departments throughout University Facilities. Our objectives include:

  • Maintaining a formal information system that serves as a source of truth describing Clemson infrastructure
  • Assisting Facilities staff with spatial analysis, particularly toward campus maintenance and strategic planning
  • Creating resources that inform students, staff, and the public of significant events involving Facilities Operations

If you have a question for our team, please reach out to Keith Jones.

Our Public GIS Resources

Below you can find some of the publicly accessible mapping resources we maintain for the University.

The Base Map

The University Facilities Base Map contains assets, and infrastructure. Toggle various layers on and off, use markup tools and export your annotations to a printable PDF.


The Construction Map is a publicly available resource describing impacts of active and planned projects to buildings, roads, and pedestrian pathways.

Facilities Accessibility Survey Tool

Clemson University strives to ensure that accessibility is a non-issue for all students, employees, and visitors. To that end, University Facilities provides a way for anyone to publicly report any accessibility issues quickly and easily using its Facilities Accessibility Survey Tool.

💻⌨ Experiencing a digital barrier to accessibility? Digital accessibility issues can be reported through Clemson University's main Accessibility website.

📢 Need to report a concern regarding accessibility rights? Please visit Student Accessibility Services to learn how to report issues and violations privately and discreetly.

Report a Pothole!

As temperatures change, potholes can become a serious safety issue. See one on campus? Drop a pin on it and report it! A short description and photo will help us respond quickly.

Road Ownership

Streets are owned and operated by different campus departments. This interactive dashboard displays ownership and other facts between these groups.