University Facilities, Renovations &<br>Permits

Renovations &

University Facilities is responsible for issuing permits for construction and alteration activities to assure compliance with all applicable codes and university standards. Here you can find all the information you need begin a new project.

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The Permit Process

University Facilities Policy 2.1, Alterations or Improvements to University Facilities, requires a Facility Renovation Permit in all cases when a department other than University Facilities desires to direct the work. The Renovation Permit application must be submitted to and approved by the Building Official a minimum of four (4) weeks in advance of work commencing to allow time for review various permit reviewers. The permit, once approved, must remain posted throughout the life of the project. Obtaining the permit is the responsibility of the department project manager. The contractor is responsible for their work, which includes insuring that the work is checked by the Building Official and other Facilities inspection staff.

The permit application form includes instructions on how to obtain a permit as well as details about the construction and inspection process.

Project Notifications and Signage

In addition to fulfilling the requirements stipulated in the permit approval, the departmental project manager must adhere to the same procedures followed by University Facilities project managers for project notifications and proper signage. All projects, regardless of size, must have proper advance customer notifications and signage of pending disruptions due to projects or other disruptive work in any occupied Clemson University buildings or grounds on or off campus. The notification provided to those that may be impacted by the project must be consistent and provide sufficient advance knowledge of the disruptions to allow individuals to plan alternate routes or job accommodations if necessary with their supervisors. Proper notification and signage will also minimize the questions that occur during the project.

Project Managers must save a copy of all notifications, signs, outage notifications, and related emails for a specific project for later retrieval should a question or problem arise related to advance notification and signage during construction.